Daniel & Jean-Claude Besse

Natation Vélo Course


Strava: Mittelallalin


Alpine Ski on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/4790468413

17.1km - 3h04' - 1659m D+

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Strava: Bis d schluss vom skitour-spuren

Bis d schluss vom skitour-spuren

Nordic Ski on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/4786637092

25.1km - 1h56' - 701m D+

Wunder Einheimischen

Backcountry Ski on Strava by Daniel: https://www.strava.com/activities/4787286387

20.2km - 4h23' - 1848m D+

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Strava: Irgendwo im 7246

Irgendwo im 7246

Nordic Ski on Strava by Daniel: https://www.strava.com/activities/4709709513

10.4km - 47' - 153m D+

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Strava: Lieber guet begleitet als gueti bedingige

Lieber guet begleitet als gueti bedingige

Nordic Ski on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/4636470578

32.8km - 2h43' - 710m D+

Neu Schnee auf neu Schnee

Nordic Ski on Strava by Daniel: https://www.strava.com/activities/4635282893

26.1km - 2h13' - 498m D+

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