Daniel & Jean-Claude Besse

Natation Vélo Course


Strava: Wind, small roads, big watts

Wind, small roads, big watts

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/5061449733

120.3km - 4h45' - 1954m D+

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Strava: Fiirabig


Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/5045274301

58.7km - 1h59' - 343m D+

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Strava: Zrug hei mit stozige Teil

Zrug hei mit stozige Teil

Backcountry Ski on Strava by Daniel: https://www.strava.com/activities/5026236314

10.6km - 1h36' - 496m D+

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Strava: Ab is Albigna

Ab is Albigna

Backcountry Ski on Strava by Daniel: https://www.strava.com/activities/5026198968

17.8km - 3h51' - 1437m D+

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Strava: Sissone


Backcountry Ski on Strava by Daniel: https://www.strava.com/activities/5026157027

14.3km - 3h04' - 1216m D+

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