Daniel & Jean-Claude Besse

Natation Vélo Course


Strava: S'attaquer à une légende

S'attaquer à une légende

Backcountry Ski on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/7071003745

64.2km - 10h54' - 4255m D+

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Strava: Y'a plu les jambes

Y'a plu les jambes

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/7000762945

84km - 2h43' - 965m D+

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Strava: Petit garçon qu'on tire

Petit garçon qu'on tire

Swim on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/6995124486

2.4km - 40'

On pourrait vendre des farmers à prix d'or

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/6997753506

122.4km - 4h32' - 2409m D+

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Strava: Finding the limit, and pushing it a little bit farther

Finding the limit, and pushing it a little bit farther

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/6991298637

78.6km - 2h35' - 1124m D+

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Strava: Pro one TT, et ça s'emballe

Pro one TT, et ça s'emballe

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/6985663862

74.8km - 2h23' - 613m D+

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