Daniel & Jean-Claude Besse

Natation Vélo Course


Strava: Toko wax tips

Toko wax tips

Swim on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8846385313

4.8km - 1h15'

No bike under the snow

Workout on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8852144526

0km - 0' - 0m D+

Better trust my instincts than garmin's navigation

Run on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8848872024

35km - 2h32' - 501m D+

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Strava: The shady side of the gold coast

The shady side of the gold coast

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8838392257

63.3km - 2h14' - 983m D+

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Strava: The classic: one flat in the rain

The classic: one flat in the rain

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8781194162

75.5km - 2h44' - 877m D+

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Strava: YESSSS! Und danke Steve 💨

YESSSS! Und danke Steve 💨

Run on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8775886632

10.1km - 32' - 44m D+

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Strava: Mark my words

Mark my words

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8759578917

52.4km - 1h44' - 693m D+

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