Daniel & Jean-Claude Besse

Natation Vélo Course


Strava: Intervals until empty

Intervals until empty

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8493853801

121.7km - 4h08' - 1633m D+

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Strava: I still hate the wind

I still hate the wind

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8487619283

94.7km - 3h13' - 1467m D+

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Strava: Island feeling

Island feeling

Ride on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8482810380

32.2km - 1h08' - 446m D+

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Strava: Eifach schön

Eifach schön

Backcountry Ski on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8470330008

11.6km - 2h25' - 1185m D+

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Strava: 600km 🎿

600km 🎿

Nordic Ski on Strava by Jean-Claude: https://www.strava.com/activities/8346377047

33.2km - 1h55' - 254m D+

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